The International Conference on Digital Skills in the Future of Work is one of the EU4DUAL4Ukraine project tasks carried out by Koszalin University of Technology, financed by the National Agency for Academic Exchange within the framework of the task commissioned by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education entitled "Solidarity with Ukraine - European Universities", project entitled "EU4DUAL4Ukraine"; Cooperation Agreement no. BNI-UE-2023-5. The conference concerns the priority areas set by the European University EU4Dual and aims to exchange experience and knowledge, as well as to increase the level of cooperation between EU4Dual and Ukrainian universities involved in the project implementation. The conference programme includes contributions from European University partners, representatives from other European consortia, as well as representatives from business environment institutions in the field of international and institutional support. In addition, the conference will present the preliminary results of Polish-Ukrainian research groups implementing the EU4DUAL4Ukraine project.

LOCATION: Hotel Medical SPA Unitral (Google Maps)
- Various means of transportation are available.
- Train services can be searched through the following link: https://rozklad-pkp.pl/en.
- For airport transfers, consider using Air Transfer, a preferred transport company (https://www.air-transfer.pl/en/index.html).
- Air Transfer operates established routes similar to FlixBus, connecting Gdańsk and Szczecin (Goleniów); details can be found at https://www.air-transfer.pl/en/buy-ticket-to-from-airport.html.
- To request an individual route, use the code "EU4Dual" when traveling from any airport to arrange transport directly to the hotel. Please be aware that there will be a slightly higher fare for this service.
- When arriving in Koszalin via train or Air Transfer, it's advisable to use Bolt/Uber for transportation to the hotel (approximately 10 euros).
- If you have any questions regarding transport, please contact: igor.walczak@tu.koszalin.pl and/or robert.szpak@tu.koszalin.pl.
Sfinansowano przez Narodową Agencję Wymiany Akademickiej w ramach zadania zleconego MEiN pn. „Solidarni z Ukrainą – Uniwersytety Europejskie”, projekt pn. „EU4DUAL4Ukraine”; umowa o współpracy nr BNI-UE-2023-5